The report of the Pissarides committee proposes:
According to Law 4758 of 2020, the measures to reduce smuggling were modernized. Responsibilities for the control of smuggling distributed among more than one authority (SDOE, KEDAK) were coordinated under the supervision of a single body. New electronic systems are also being introduced to monitor the supply chain, identify and control IEDs (fuel, alcohol, tobacco).
Furthermore, with article 74 of Law 4914/2022, the authorizations are given for the regulatory acts that define a single and coherent framework of activities so that the market of the products is supervised in a common and uniform way and does not depend each time on the special legislation or the practice of each control authority (e.g. use of control sheets, design of controls with risk criteria).
However, the mentioned regulatory acts (which have an issuance deadline of 31.12.2023) have not yet been issued.
Therefore, the proposal is assessed as partially implemented, due to the non-issue of the relevant regulatory decisions that regulate in detail the relevant actions
4758/2020 (Official Gazette A 242/04.12.2020) Law 4914 (Official Gazette 61 A'/21.03.2022) Article 74